Speaking apprehension is commonly known as the fear of public speaking. I have all kinds of apprehension right now just thinking about talking to my local, state and federal officials. And, I am a public speaking teacher, an actor and an extroverted/introvert to boot!
Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News, who researches and writes tirelessly about DOD’s bioweapon program against it’s own citizens, recently suggested that if people want to “do something” about the state of affairs in our country and the world, they could (should?) speak to their elected officials. Is she talking to me?
And you?
Could it really be true that WE, you and me, are the new media? The current-day press, the pony express, sans social media, up close and personal? Is it actually up to US to get the word out about what the heck is going on? Is it truly conceivable, that WE, you and me, are humans in the very best sense of the word? The kind of humans that actually use our minds, emotions, and heart to do something to right wrongs even when there’s no money in it, and we really, really don’t want to, and we think we can’t and we’re just plain chicken s___?
Well, can Katherine do this all by herself?
In this 5th generation of warfare, where psy-Ops and propaganda, blackmail and blood money are the tactics, and “Who do You Trust?” is the game show of choice, it seems to take a different kind of soldier. It’s not going to be “let the bombs fall and winner takes all.” "I don’t think so. We don’t even know whose on what side half the time.
So, in this confusing climate, is it even safe to “speak?” And what does it look like?
I don’t know exactly, but I’m going to conduct an experiment. A human experiment. I’m going to find out if everything that I know and teach about public speaking and speaking apprehension works for this type of information to action campaign.
If I want my elected officials to “do something.” First I need to know what they know and what they don’t know. How can they act if they don’t know what’s going on? I’m going to make an appointment. And then, I’m going to sit down and tell them what I think. There you have it.
But can I? Am I able to organize my thoughts, can I distill the last two and 1/2 years of research and questions into something coherent that expresses my very grave concerns about the health and well being of my family, community and country?
Can I adequately convey the emotional toll of these many months, and the desperate, yes desperate, longing for some support and help—from any sector for God’s sake, to overcome the monster that has become our own government?
As I write this, I realize the dichotomy. I am going to speak to my government about saving me from my government. Lord help us.
But, that is what I am going to do. If you would like to give it a try, I invite you to join the experiment. Tweak it to serve you and yours. Read the document that I have prepared for this “Information to Action” campaign. It provides A Five-step Format for Citizens in Communication with Officeholders. Basically it’s a how-to.
After teaching public speaking for over 30 years, I have learned this. When you have something to say, and you craft it well, when you tell the story inside you that is true, the audience, whether it be a roomful or one solitary human—will hear it through their heart like the deep resonance of a cello.
And the speaker has lost her apprehension, which allows the field to open. They call this the “now moment.” The place where something can actually change.
And, today after watching Sasha Latypova’s
Video on ExposingtheDarknessNewsletter,
I found out that it’s our own DOD that made the plotshots and bribed the Pharmas to put their name on them so the people would accept them !!! Diabolical!!!!
As a kid in the 70's (with the Bruce Lee mythos where all asians could kick your ass with karate), I watched a gang of mexican kids go after a korean kid.
The korean kid backed himself into a corner to keep from being jumped from behind, and to keep his opponents in front of him, and limited in the # of kids who could even confront him at one time.
Then I saw the first row of mexican kids just outside of hand/foot contact try to psyche up one another to be the first to take on the korean kid. And yet they were too scared to do it themselves.
In the end, the korean kid walked away, not having thrown a single punch, and it was because the mexican kids were individually afraid of getting hit themselves.
I'm not pointing out races for strengths and weaknesses.
I'm pointing out this story in which this overwhelming force of kids were individually too afraid to take on an opponent they mentally gave extraordinary power to, because they were trapped by unfounded and self-limiting fear.