And, today after watching Sasha Latypova’s

Video on ExposingtheDarknessNewsletter,

I found out that it’s our own DOD that made the plotshots and bribed the Pharmas to put their name on them so the people would accept them !!! Diabolical!!!!

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As a kid in the 70's (with the Bruce Lee mythos where all asians could kick your ass with karate), I watched a gang of mexican kids go after a korean kid.

The korean kid backed himself into a corner to keep from being jumped from behind, and to keep his opponents in front of him, and limited in the # of kids who could even confront him at one time.

Then I saw the first row of mexican kids just outside of hand/foot contact try to psyche up one another to be the first to take on the korean kid. And yet they were too scared to do it themselves.

In the end, the korean kid walked away, not having thrown a single punch, and it was because the mexican kids were individually afraid of getting hit themselves.

I'm not pointing out races for strengths and weaknesses.

I'm pointing out this story in which this overwhelming force of kids were individually too afraid to take on an opponent they mentally gave extraordinary power to, because they were trapped by unfounded and self-limiting fear.

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What a great analogy for the actual situation we're in!

In this case, the fear derives from not feeling ourselves up to the task of facing any "official" representative of the monster government. That's our Korean Kid.

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Thank-you for this!!!

Several months ago, I teamed up with a few folks to draft and send a 25 page NOL (notice of liability) to our small-town big-wigs. Zero response of course.

You've given a blue-print to take it to the next level so now my work is cut out for me (thanks a lot!). As you say here, the challenge is to effectively organize a coherent presentation of what's been developing for decades. No easy task. But the only honourable and hopeful way forward is to rise to the challenge. Damn it.

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Yes. Damn it! I begin writing my "speech" this weekend.

Where's your little town? And, you certainly have good info in your NOL! Good Luck!

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I'm on BC's Sunshine Coast, near Vancouver. You?

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A bucket list place for me. I am in State College, PA where we are trying to bring the sunshine of free speech to the Penn State University campus:)

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Good holy luck!!!

I have a visitor coming for the weekend so won't likely start on this till Monday. Will keep you posted on my progress; that way I'll be motivated to follow through!

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Oh my gosh! This is exactly how I feel ~ I’m too scared! But who will do this if I don’t??

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You created a wonderful speech in Brazil. You’re already doing it.

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I've jumped out of an airplane 100's of times, but public speaking scare the snot out of me. Go figure.

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